Every human wants to be happy. God has created everyone with unique talents and capabilities. They search happiness outside of themselves like spending time with family, friends, eating and going around the place which we like. We always something to happen which will make us happy.
This reminds me the story of the musk deer. The musk deer is a rare deer species which is founded in deep forest. It always runs around the forest in search of pleasant scent which it feels in forest and searching throughout the day it becomes exhausted. Actually, the pleasant scent of perfume comes in its own navel which it is never able to find out. We humans also want happiness to come from outside and keep on searching and waiting which sometimes leads to frustration.
The key to happiness is in the inner self. Each and every individual should look into inner self through instruments of praying, being in present, having hope and trust, meditation, breathing and various relaxation strategies. It not only brings peace and happiness in the life of individual and but also others get benefitted to it. The key to happiness is within you unlock your inner mind and feel the peaceful and happiness in you.
Dr. R. Sakthi Prabha,
Dean & Head,
Department of Social Work.